This Sunday, the Community of Napa, specifically Congressman Mike Thompson, the Napa Sheriff Dept., and “Alaina’s Voice” have organized with Prolific Prep’s help, an afternoon where we make people aware of gun violence through a basketball game.
Sunday March 3rd – 3pm – Napa Valley College
Our basketball program will play our post-grad team in a game Free to the public where the message is:
A message against gun violence spearheaded by the youth in the Napa Community.
Hannah Housley, the mother of Alaina Housley (Vintage HS 2018), is reaching out to the 4 or 5 main High Schools in Napa to try and get students to come to the game on Sunday which is Free and everyone will receive a T-Shirt, courtesy of the Napa Sheriff Dept.
The game will be between Prolific Prep and Golden State Prep where there will be Free Admission for all and this game will be in conjunction with: Napa Sheriff Dept., Alaina’s Voice (Alaina Housley Foundation), Congressman Mike Thompson and All the Local High Schools
This game is Free to everyone and we would love to see if we could get as many Camille Creek/NCOE students as possible to the game.